Monday, February 23, 2009


Here is little Jo Jo being such a wiggle worm and trying so stinkin hard to crawl. It's like she doesn't understand that in her head she is going places, but her body just doesn't move like she wants it to!

......then she pokes her little bum in the air out of frustration......rolls over.........and whines because she is still in the same spot!

(this is my poor watery eyed, drooling from not being able to breathe baby girl)
We took a trip to the Doctor on always makes you feel like a terrible mom when the doc looks at you and says "Wow, she has two ear infections and a sinus long has she been like this?" Yep, I think that with the first child you tend to run to the doc for every little sniffle and stress out when they have to get antibiotics. Not so much with the children after that. You always think, aaahh it's just a cold she will get over it! Bad mom award goes to me!!! I guess I get what I deserve because the last two nights have been VERY sleepless and exhausting. The crazy part is whether I get 2 hours or 8 hours of sleep, I still seem to have the same energy. Maybe it's a mom thing????????

1 comment:

Halley said...

dont feel bad meg it happened over night.. And she is so close she will be crawling by next week