Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was hosted at my house as is every year. I actually really enjoy cooking. Joldy took the girls to his parents house all morning and it was really quiet while mom and I cooked. We actually almost didn't know what to do with ourselves without screaming children!!!! We got everything done fast and on time this year. Everyone was there except for Katie (just try and imagine stick figures for you and your fam Katie; LOL) Katie and her husband just bought their first house in Boise and were busy moving. Next year is your year Katie, we are all coming to Boise and you can cook for everyone!!!!!!!!! Fun Family times, right????


You Belong in 1993
With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!


What Year Do You Belong In?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bowling with the Pena's

We went bowling with the Eli and Nicole family last night, it was short, but fun. The babies were both VERY good. Little Allie is so A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E and smiles all the time. She is just so little. Infact, Aynslee is exactly double her in size. Allie is the same size that Aynslee was when she was born. Crazy, crazy. Anyway, the kids had the bars that popped up on the sides so that they wouldn't have gutter balls every time. And yes all the kids out scored the parents. Joldy, I believe, took very last place. I seem to remember dating in college and Joldy being the only "guy" that got beat by his girlfriend bowling one night. And still kicking his butt 6 years and 3 children later. He He. Thanks Pena's for a family fun night!!!!!
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

{Shout out to Daddy}

I think that my husband now understands why when we finally get an early night together.......alone, that I cannot stay awake. Not even for a good movie. The pillow and me are like two peas in a pod. My head hits and I am OUT. Okay for me, not so much for the husband. Aynslee has been such a stinker and waking up A LOT. Not just for milk but just to be awake. I think the spunk that I once had, left me. So with that thought in mind, my wonderful husband decided to take Aynslee at night so that I could catch up on some much needed beauty sleep. Low and behold she is only waking up for feedings and going 5-6 hours inbetween night feedings instead of nursing all night long. I now pump out enough milk twice a day to fill her bottles for 24 hours. So basically weaned her off of using me as a pacifier. And as you can tell by the pics, it is the end of the week for daddy night duty, and he is exhausted!!!!! One week compared to 4 months for me. Guys are so funny!!! I do, however, give him a huge pat on the back. I love him even more now!!! Thanks honey!!!!!!!
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Rolls that rose!

Alright here you have it, I have finally found a recipe that agrees with me. You better believe that I now can bake rolls. My husband is LUVING them.

Along with my homemade rolls I made homemade chicken noodle soup "Joldy Style". Yep that's right, even the noodles were rolled out, cut, and cooked. I say "Joldy Style" because it is actually my mother's recipe and he made the comment that it is not chicken noodle soup without celery and carrots so I added them. Mom, I think that I have made your own recipe better than you. Uh-Oh I guess that means I will have to cook it from now on. (since I know that will be your comment)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


My dad was in town for business and stopped by to see the girls. They talked him into playing princess checkers, and yes Jaycee won! They love it when Poppy comes to visit and they beg us all the time to go to Boise to stay with Poppy and Mimi. They spoil them rotten. Thanks Dad for entertaining the girls so I could clean up dinner!!

Fun With My Girlies

I usually try really hard to do something fun with the girls on my day off instead of catching up on my housework. Lately I have been into cooking/baking, so I decided to make sugar cookies with my girlies. It was messy and more frosting ended up in Sicilee's stomache rather than on the cookies. But it was worth the mess.
Can you tell which ones the girls frosted??

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday...........Everyone!

Grandma Cookie decided to celebrate everyone's Birthday from July we all met at Leo's Place and had some pizza. The kids were completely entertained with the games and the playland.

Luvin preschool

It is just so cute how the girls come home with all of the stuff they get to make at school. They get soooo excited to show me. I had to take a pic of this one, it is adorable. Jaycee got to use her own handprint. The other nice thing about school is now Jaycee can write the letters of the alphabet, so when she writes on my walls (which is quite often) she tries to blame in on Sicilee but doesn't get very far with it considering she writes her own name!!!!!


My baby girl got her 4 month shots today. And even the Doc cracked a joke that she looks like she is "wasting away". As you can see by her percentiles she isn't so much no. Hers is a HEALTHY GIRL, and I am proud of it!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thanks Cherish!!!

A little quiet time for mom. Actually all three of them took a nap at the same time, I don't think that I will ever be able to pull that off again!!

Little Miss Maddie called and asked if the girls could have a sleep over. It was their first sleep over and I was a little worried about Sicilee. They seemed to have had a lot of fun and completely wore themselves out. So not only did we get a quiet night but when the girls got home they took a really long nap. Joldy and I have been playing tag lately and so it was nice to get things done around the house on my shift to watch the girls. So thanks Cherish even though you didn't get much sleep, it was much appreciated on my end!!!

Just call me smalls

okay okay, I know that my baby isn't the skinniest but she is still small to me! My little one is now 4 months old. My sister Chelcey decided to crack a little joke about my chubby girl. She claims that when she put Aynslee in the swing and it creeked a little, that the swing actually said "help, me". Laugh it up Chelcey cuz the funny thing is most people think that she looks just like you. So go ahead and keep crackin the jokes!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

{TAG}59 things you probably never knew......

1.Would​ it be hard seein​g someo​ne else kiss the last perso​n you kisse​d?​​
Nope, since it was my baby girl I hope that her dad and sisters give her loves too.

2.What frien​d do you tell the most to?
Sadly, my husband

3.How'​​s your heart​ latel​y?​​
Still ticking

4.What will you be doing​ in a half hour?​​
Most likely nursing Anyslee, again

5.Is the last perso​n you kisse​d mad at you?
Nope I am the lunch wagon:)

6.Do you regre​t somet​hing you did yeste​rday?​​
I attempted for the 3rd time to make rolls and failed again and my family came over for dinner and laughed at them

7.Do you like someo​ne?​​
I like most people

8.Are you sarca​stic?​​
Husband claims I have a very "dry" sense of humor

9.When was the last time you smile​d?​​
This morning talking baby talk to my baby

10.What is wrong​ with you right​ now?
Full of hurts. Wish Anyslee would wake up to eat!

11.What are you weari​ng right​ now?
P.j.'s & big white fluffy slippers

12.Are you a forgi​ving perso​n?​​
Probaby too much of one, I am a softy. Forgive and forget right?

13.Are you talki​ng to someo​ne while​ doing​ this?​​
Nope, Joldy is going through his baseball cards. That means he has tunnel vision to nothing else going on in the house

14.How clean​ is your room?​​
Always...when I am home

15.Do you know someo​ne named​ Dan?
Brother-in-law, Nickole's husband

16.Last thing​ you drank​?​​
Cranberry Juice, I am addicted

17.Do you like the color​ green​?​​

18.Do you think​ you could​ last an hour witho​ut talki​ng?​​
Talking? Or yelling at my children?

19.Is there​ anyon​e who doesn​'​​t like you?
I run a restaraunt, 99% of them are intimidated by the whole 5 foot me, I am pretty sure I piss off a lot of people

20.Where​ is your most tickl​ish spot?​​
Very ticklish...everywhere

21.Do you have over 200 blog frien​ds?​​
um no..

22.Do you sleep​ with your close​t doors​ open or close​d?​​
I have a walk-in closet at the end of the bathroom, I guess that means open

23.Is it okay for guys to wear pink?​
YES! My husband does and yes Halley I guess that means he is the president of the Elton John Club LOL

24.Did you learn​ anyth​ing from the last BIG mista​ke you made?​​
Nope, I will still continue to make rolls that are flat

25.The last time you got dress​ed up, where​ were you going​?​​
To the movies with my family last Sunday. HSM 3 rocks!

26.Have you ever gone to a schoo​l that made you wear unifo​rms?​​

27.Have you ever tried​ to surf?​​ Do you want to learn​?​​
Nope, I plan to next summer

28.Did you pick out the furni​ture in your bedro​om?​​
Of course I did, if I let my husband we would have spent too much

29.Are you a heavy​ sleep​er?​​
Sleep, what is that. I do love my children so much

30.Have you been under​ the influ​ence in the past 3 days?​​
Sometimes I wish

31. Have you ever caugh​t anyth​ing on fire?​​
actually no

32. Is there​ anyon​e that you care more about​ than yours​elf?​​
What kind of question is that, how many people in this world are 100% selfish?

33. What are you weari​ng on your feet?​​
Big white fluffy slippers

34. How many times​ do you talk on the phone​ a day on avera​ge?​​
A lot, I make Joldy call me when he feeds Anyslee so that we are on the same schedule when I get off work

35. Do you usual​ly have weird​ dream​s?​​
Weird and short, I have a baby

36. Do tatto​os and pierc​ings excit​e you?
Not so much, no. Shopping excites me though!!!!!

37. Do you log on to your Blog every​ day?
I check it a lot, but not always log on

38. Do you drink​ soda?​​
If I did Aynslee wouldn't sleep at all:)

39. Have you ever been to Calif​ornia​?​​
Yes, love it love it love it. We go every year around the time the stinking first snow falls hear so we can brag about lying on the beach.

40. Do you ever dance​ even if there​'​​s no music​ playi​ng?​​
Not a dancer

41. Is there​ somet​hing you wish you could​ tell someo​ne but you can'​​t?​​
I can't keep a secret, EVER

42. What song is stuck​ in your head?​
Last Name, by miss Underwood. Halley's blog is still open and playing all of her songs and that is the one playing

43. What are you excit​ed about​?​​
Suprising the kids and secretly taking them to Disney Land for Christmas

44. What color​ are your eyes?​​

45. Can you hones​tly say that looks​ don'​​t matte​r?​​
Yes, but most of all i can say that hair doesn't matter. Have you seen my husband's lack of it on his noggin lately. Go ahead and give him a hard time, I do every time I cut it.

46. Who did you last hug?
Joldy, that was his luvin for the day LOL

47.Was today​ a good day?
Yep, it is my day off.

48. Where​ do you see yours​elf in the next 2 years​?​​
I can't even look too far into next week without forgetting stuff

49.Plans​ for tomor​row?​​
Work, dance class, and co-ed volleyball playoffs. Wish me luck!

50. Last awkwa​rd momen​t?​​
Can't think of one right now

51. Have you ever liked​ someo​ne older​ than you?
I am sure, but I am older then my husband. Can you tell

52. Think​ of the perso​n who'​​s hurt you the most in the past year,​​ who is it?
Physically my kids, we horse around a lot. They are mean

53.What woke you up this morni​ng?​​
Ayslee wanting the lunch wagon, Jaycee crawling in our bed saying she had a bad dream about a goat saying baah (WHAT??), and Sicilee wanting her morning snuggles.

54. In the past week have you cried​?​​
I don't cry. I am not kidding. Only during child birth. So I have cried 3 times. I hold in my emotion

55. What made you smile​ today​?​​
My little Aynslee Jo Jo

56.What is the close​st green​ objec​t to you?
Candy, uummm it is good

57. Have you ever seen someo​ne you knew and purpo​sely avoid​ed seein​g them?​​
People that I knew from High School. My famous quote is "wow, are we still in high school or what". I rarely go into the Walmart in Rexburg, you see everyone in there.

58. Has anyon​e told you latel​y that they would​ alway​s be there​ for you?

59. Would​ you ever get a tatto​o?​​
Nope, not something that interests me at all. I would get a boob job first LOL

I tag anyone who reads this!

{Monkeying} around

For being cute little prissy girls, they sure know how to put up a fight with their dad. Their favorite passtime is wrestling around with dad. So they were riding on his back like a horse and Aynslee decided that she was big enough to play too. And she joined in on the fun.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

(Daddy) time

So every single time that I have Joldy rock Aynslee this is how their "quality" time ends up being together. Joldy claims that he just cannot rock her without falling asleep. I wish I could take a nap every time that I rocked my baby, but yes I do think that it is adorable!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kid quotes

So I have a funny kid quote and I have to share with everyone. Sicilee was mad at Joldy and when she gets mad at him she comes to me saying that she wants a new daddy. We were in the car driving and Sicilee was crying and telling me that she wanted to get a new daddy and so I said to her "Sis, where do we go to get a new daddy?" Jaycee then blurted out "Mom, can't we just steal somebody else's husband?" Joldy and I thought that it was pretty funny. Seriously though, where in the world do kids learn things from huh?