Saturday, July 16, 2011


My good friend Kelsie and I did the funnest thing ever.........we ran in the amazing race in Rexburg. There were hurdles, hay bails, tires, river run, mud running, army crawling, fire jump, and I can't remember much else but it was EXHAUSTING!!! We took 140th of 205 contenders consisting of men and women and they clocked us at 53 minutes. All the proceeds went to the orphanage in Ecuador. They had a little kid 1K and I am excited to have Jaycee do it with me next year.


By the way, like the second obstacle was jumping into a deep canal over our heads. So we were completely wet from then on. We made 2 mistakes.......not wearing spandex pants and wearing mascara. We were holding on to our bottoms to keep them on and mascara ran down our cheeks the whole time.


Definitely going to be feeling it tomorrow!


The French Way said...

How fun! Congrats! Great accomplishment!

tami said...

So proud of you!!! Looks like fun! Wow! Your kinda "kickass"!!! Love ya!