We went to Boise this last weekend to visit Mi Mi and Poppy and also my sister Katie and her little family. Every time that we go to Boise I just end up spending a lot of money shopping. And yes I continued my trend. I have to tell you though I am a bit jealous of my sister Katie. SHE LOOKS FABULOUS! She has a personal trainer and has lost even more weight and looks great. I wish I had the energy and time to even think of a personal trainer.
When we got there poppy's dog (Charlie) was there to greet us and Sicilee freaked out. She loves puppies.....from a distance. Well, they ended up being best friends by the end of the day. Here are some pics...
Little Aynslee was spoiled and got snuggled by Poppy and Mi Mi..........
And here are all the little monkeys swingin on the swing
what now layout iam shocked as hell... jk wheres the picture of katie i want to see how mad i have to be at her... Just kidding i am so proud of you katie cuz i know you are going to read this :) And why do Artic Circle give out weird toys??
We loved having you guys in Boise. The girls are getting so big! Tell Sicilee that Charlie says "Hi"!
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