Thursday, January 27, 2011

My little Lainee bug is getting so big! So bittersweet. I am not a big fan of rushing the first shots, especially with a preemie.....the poor girl doesn't even have meat on her thighs yet. So I don't have any stats, but she is growing......slowly. She reminds me of Jaycee with everything! She is a noisy eater, sleeper, pooper, burper, hiccuper, she grunts and stretches and moans and groans all day and night long. She gets the hiccups every time she burps cuz she is stretching and making noises. Not a big eater though, I think it bores her. Complete opposite of the last two chunks. I think she is mad at me for not nursing her anymore, a milk strike :) She is only eating 2-3 ounces still, our chunky cousin Christian is up to 6 oz and barely makes it 3 hours. I am on the tail-end of pumping only twice a day since I started back up with work this week. I usually don't have a hard time emotionally giving up nursing, but with this being our last, I am having a hard time letting go of it. I don't get emotional much, but this little sweet baby has got me quite a few times. We both are sad but doing well with the change. She does well at night.....only waking up once for a bottle, doesn't cry much but we still get in some serious quality time with changing diapers, waiting out the darn hiccups, and burping. She sleeps with me (bad habit, I know) but as long as we are getting sleep I don't mind. She has a clogged tear duct so her eye is really goopy all the time. Finally graduated from newborn clothes and diapers and we have moved on the the 0-3 month clothes.

I turned the big 29 last week and while Joldy and I were out for dinner Nickole watched ALL 4 kiddos and was able have the girls help her make this fabulous (Jo Jo was the sprinkler if you can't tell) cake and homemade cards that each of them wrapped themselves. So priceless ;)
Aynslee is killing me lately with her vocabulary. A few of the latest fav quotes: "you not my best buddy anymore", "dad, can I play your ipad" "you need your phone to text?" "mommy....I your favorite" "I don't want to be big!" poor sister Halley who is pregnant with twins...................IS STILL PREGNANT! She will be 37 weeks tomorrow and is measuring like 54 cm. YIKES! She is pretty miserable, I feel for her. So when she finally does have them I will post:)

1 comment:

Grammy Cookie said...

We Have your Birthday Gift.Couldn't get hold of Joldy,to see when would be good time to stop by.Hope you had a wonderful day.When would be good time?lov u most