Sunday, October 26, 2008

Snuggling Party!

This is how the Watts' family has spent the last week. We have been lazy, lazy, lazy. So when the kids or husband get sick mom gets to take care of them right? Well who takes care of mom when she is down and out?? Good question huh? Not that my husband hasn't helped out a lot but wow have I been sick and struggling from day to day. So I do what every mom does, call their own mom. Okay not everybody does that, but usually when I am sick I still want my mother. The running joke in my family is if you get a shot and you don't cry, then my mom will take you to get ice cream. So when I had to get a shot in the bum, my mom was in a different state and I was pretty disappointed that I didn't get my ice cream (even at the age of 26) lol. Anyway every year I get strep throat and the flu at least once, this year I got them both in the same week plus a uterus infection on top of it. (No laughing Halley) And wow has it kicked my butt. My next fear is that the rest of the family is about to follow me so I will still be exhuasted from taking care of them.
On top of all my drama my little Aynslee has been going through a growth spurt and demanding a lot of nursing time from me. Okay let me rephrase "little Aynslee". My "chubba chubba" baby is wanting to eat all the time!!!!!! My sisters make fun of her because they claim she has four butt cheeks instead of two. She has already grown out of her 6-9 month pj's!! Either I have a future linebacker or I just have some really good milk:)


Westlund Family said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling so great! Hope you have a better week!

Halley said...

Okay you didn;t call mom first you called ME i took care of you butthead. And iwasn't lauging at all through the whole blogg LOL carter and ryker are doing the same thing all they do is want to sit in bed with JOSH and watch football. Lazy lazy lazy is my family.. I hope u feel better though. see you wednesday??

Tami Brood said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. I'm glad it didn't happen when you were down in California. The girls look adorable all snuggled in. I can't wait to talk with them about their Disney Trip. Hope to see you guys soon!