Today was my day off and I had the whole day planned. I never really get into halloween, but for some reason this year I decided to get a little into it. My day started off with making Anyslee her minnie ears for tomorrow, in this picture she is sporting them. She isn't such a fan of them though......
then the girls had their school Halloween parties and had to dress up in their costumes. Introducing Miss Jasmine and Miss Ariel........ All the parents were invited to the "costume parade" and they marched around showing off their costumes and doing poses. They also sang some songs and tried to "scare" us. It was way cute. When the girls got home from school we decided to start carving pumpkins, which was dad's job. So here are the girls "shoveling" the seeds out of the pumpkins with dad.
Here are the finished pumkins. Joldy is pretty proud of his ghosts and scooby doo! And last was my little project with the girls. We made spider cupcakes. The girls had a blast and I did too.
Well having two daughters who are complete Tink fans, I had to rush and get the movie so we could have a movie night. So when these fun little "girl activities" come up we all know how excited my poor husband gets:) He is such a good sport. Anyways lots of fun and now I get to memorize a new Disney movie because the girls will probably wear this one out too. It was cute, I really liked it.
This is how the Watts' family has spent the last week. We have been lazy, lazy, lazy. So when the kids or husband get sick mom gets to take care of them right? Well who takes care of mom when she is down and out?? Good question huh? Not that my husband hasn't helped out a lot but wow have I been sick and struggling from day to day. So I do what every mom does, call their own mom. Okay not everybody does that, but usually when I am sick I still want my mother. The running joke in my family is if you get a shot and you don't cry, then my mom will take you to get ice cream. So when I had to get a shot in the bum, my mom was in a different state and I was pretty disappointed that I didn't get my ice cream (even at the age of 26) lol. Anyway every year I get strep throat and the flu at least once, this year I got them both in the same week plus a uterus infection on top of it. (No laughing Halley) And wow has it kicked my butt. My next fear is that the rest of the family is about to follow me so I will still be exhuasted from taking care of them. On top of all my drama my little Aynslee has been going through a growth spurt and demanding a lot of nursing time from me. Okay let me rephrase "little Aynslee". My "chubba chubba" baby is wanting to eat all the time!!!!!! My sisters make fun of her because they claim she has four butt cheeks instead of two. She has already grown out of her 6-9 month pj's!! Either I have a future linebacker or I just have some really good milk:)
Here is the view of the pool and hot tub off the back balcony of our beach house.
Aynslee's favorite just so happen to be the hot tub. She Looooooooooooooved it. So here is a picture of her in her little bathing suit and sun hat. I just can't soak enough of her up, she is such a little sweetie!!!
While we were in California on our vacation we got to celebrate Sissy's third birthday. It was our last day of vacation so we were just chillin at the beach house. She blew out the candles on her "princess" decorated cupcakes and all of her gifts were toys that she picked out at the Disney store. SPOILED!!!!!! So her vacation was probably the most exciting. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!
So definately have had a blast...vacation days seem to go by way faster than a work week!!!! The girls got to go on all their favorite rides many times and little Carter Bryan's reaction (first time Disneylander) was priceless of course. Halley now has A LOT of new movies to buy since he got to meet them in real person.
My mother, surprisingly, probably had the most fun out of everyone. She went on all the "scary/daring" rides with us and laughed the whole time. And then the next day got right back on them (and mom gets very motion sick, FYI) It wouldn't have been the same without her, she definately made the trip more exciting.
Sicilee's favorite ride was the Tea Cups (the pink one) and Jaycee well.....loves all the rides. She went on a few that I was scared for her, but her reaction of course was "that was frickin awesome" and wanted to do it again. No fear with that child.
Here are some more characters that we were able to see. Sicilee's favorite was Minnie Mouse and Jaycee loves "all of them". There isn't much that Jaycee doesn't like. And Aynslee was my biggest trooper. She was an angel!!!!!!!!!! Slept just fine, ate on schedule, and even went on rides. This is how she hung out with me most of the time....
We had a pedometer this trip because we were curious just how much you actually walk in a day. And on average we walked 22 miles a day. And that is sitting and feeding kids and babies every 3 to 4 hours!!!!!!!!! CRAZY!
And yet at the end of a long, fun, exhausting day. This is how the girls spent from about 8:00 on each night. Snuggling with the stroller!
Well my mom and Disneyland met for the first time today and she had a blast. She was a trooper, we were all kind of worried about her and how she would do by the end of the day and she kicked everybody else's butt. All the kids were a little tired and crabby, but that is normal. Carter crashed before the parade, and the babies did awesome. Sicilee on the other hand decided this year randomly, that she is afraid of the rides and deathly afraid of any characters (minus the princesses). The babies hardly fussed, went on most rides, and still got some sleep (suprisingly). Needless to say, it was a good first day at Disneyland!!!!
Alright I can't help myself, you are probably thinking who blogs on vacation???? I am guilty. With the time change I have some spare time at night. So we have hit the beach two days in a row and we are LOVIN IT. Very relaxing. Tomorrow we head to Disney Land!!!!!Yay. The kids can hardly wait (well and Joldy of course). We have had this trip planned for a very long time and the girls are so excited they aren't really sleeping. I can't wait to see their faces when we enter Disney Land, that as a parent, seems to be the best part. Watching their little faces light up over every little thing, and it never gets old.