Saturday, August 9, 2008

Grandbaby Alert!

Well here you have it, all nine little monkey's chillin' on the couch! For the first time in a very long time the Brood sisters gathered for a little family get together. My sister Katie, who lives in Boise, came to see the new additions to the family. So from left to right we have Grace and Kreed Jones; Sicilee, Jaycee, and Aynslee Watts; Roman George; Carter & Ryker Park; and little Ryelee Hanson. Wow was it hard to get 9 kids all at the age of four and under to sit and look at the camera..............with no babies crying!! The kids had a good time and really enjoyed seeing eachother. Grandma has her hands full, always a baby in her arms!!


Halley said...

oh you stinker i will bet you blogging one day that is!! good job i love the lady bugs cute cute cute

tami said...

I love this pic! All the kids together. How cute! :)