Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kids Stuff

Jaycee: "Dad, I can count to you want to hear? And did you know that they have like thirt-y's and twent-y's........but what they don't have is one-y's!"
Jaycee: "MOOM, there is something wrong with the water.... there are brown things floating hurry let me out!" (Yes, Aynslee pooped in the tub and the very next day I just put her in the shower with me and when Joldy came to get her out I lifted her and then stepped right on a big turd!)

Sicilee: "Mom, I will come and tell you if Jaycee leaves the yard or is naughty K?"
Sicilee: "MOOOOM I said I wanted Rac-a-roni and cheese!"
Sicilee: "Mom, Aynslee keeps pushing me; pinching me;being mean to me please make her be nice, she is driving me crazy."

Ayslee: "Hi Dad, hi Mom. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi Hi. Hi Hi. (Her new favorite word she says ALL DAY LONG!)

Kids are pure entertainment and ours have made Joldy and I laugh so hard lately. I sure do love them.

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